Monday, 24 June 2019

Plan and Buy an Instrument Coverage in Minimal Steps

Own a musical instrument but, don’t have instrument coverage? Well, that’s where you would go wrong in investments. The instrument coverage works as your savior in case you need to invest real high amounts on repairing or replacing your instrument. There are copyright issues too you may face, which requires you to have an insurance that can help you reduce the burden of costs that you might face. However, when purchasing instrument insurance, there are a few things you need to understand and take into account, especially if you are buying one online.
  • Most musicians own the homeowner’s insurance, and believe they do not require a insurance for their music instrument or gear. Not every home owner’s insurance covers the gear that you have bought. In fact, most often the instrument may or may not be covered. For most insurance companies, this is probably a business that you operate from home. If you are thinking of owning nothing beyond the homeowner’s insurance, consider re-reading all the inclusions of the insurance. If it does not cover repairs of the instrument or replacement costs, you might want to think again, and invest in a proper insurance.
  • When it comes to insuring your instrument, it is important you know what the true value of your instrument is. When you visit an insurance provider, they may not be able to value your instrument, given they are not musicians in real. Without the proper valuation, you cannot identify the premium you should be paying for your instrument. Make sure you consult someone who is an expert with music Instrument Coverage and understands their true value. That will make your valuation easy.
  • There are instances where you would be traveling as part of your career, carrying your gear with you. As a musician, you are always worried about your instrument’s well-being, which is why you need to be assured by the insurance company. The insurance will make sure your travel is smooth and worry free. If, during the travel, the instrument gets damaged, then the insurance will cover the repair costs. In case, your instrument is stolen and needs to be replaced, the insurance will help you with the replacement cost too. In fact, the insurance will also help you with the rental cost and place and make sure you don’t face troubles when playing the instrument at your gig.
If you are willing to pay a little to save your pockets from being dented in the future, the insurance is not that expensive. You will need to make the right choice, have a budget in place, and choose the right inclusions for your insurance
  • Research on the providers. There are plenty available in the market. Only a few actually provide you with what you need.
  • Set a budget for the insurance. Make sure you don’t go beyond the set budget
  • Check for the reviews and ratings provided for the providers. Make a list of all those who are rated high and provide the insurance features that you are looking for
If everything works for you, make sure you have at least one meeting set with them, before proceeding with the insurance provider. The idea is to understand the premium they are planning to offer you, and whether or not it is worth the investment.

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Tips to Purchase Audio Equipment Insurance Online

Whether you are a composer or a studio owner, audio equipment forms a greater part of your life. It helps create the music that you desire, and works towards producing good sounds. However, when you are investing in good audio equipment, you should also invest in good audio equipment insurance. However, whether it is buying the equipment or the insurance, there are a few things you simply cannot ignore knowing.
  • The most essential item in your list ought to be the audio interface. While the interface may not be used on a daily basis, it is something you cannot ignore. You are never going to change the set up till your audio interface is being shifted. The audio interface is the equipment that will process all the audio files connected with the computer such as the tunes from the guitar, violin etc. The interface will convert the analogy to digital and from digital to analogy. You should choose the audio equipment in a way that it can act as a good converter. There are a few choices available in the market that you can choose from. Roland-Duo Capture EX and Apogee Duet are some of the examples.
  • The second most important consideration happens to be the controllers. You will need a controller interface if you want to trigger the right sounds or control them. There are quite a few controllers available in the market that you can choose from. Samsung Graphite M32 as well as Akai’s MPK Mini is some of the choices that you cannot ignore.
  • Along with these two, you should also invest in computer and the related software in order to streamline your production and have a smooth process.
Even with all the care you take, there are times when you spend more than the amount you should in taking care of the audio equipment. The maintenance, and in some cases the repair and loss of the instrument works out to be higher than you had imagined.
 What will you do in such cases? The only way out is choosing a good Audio equipment insurance. Here are a few tips just for you.
  • What are the different types of audio equipment that you have invested in? What kind of insurance requirements do they pose? These are the two questions that you will need to answer before you are ready to call for the right audio equipment insurance for your studio. Add all the requirements that you may possibly face while maintaining or repairing or even servicing the audio equipment.
  • Next in line start researching about the available insurance providers. There are quite a few people who offer good insurance solutions. You will need to list them out one by one, before you can begin making the right choice.
  • Check for the experience these insurance providers hold. They may have a good experience but may not have offered any solution related to audio equipment. This may not help you. Hence, make sure you choose someone who has the relevant experience and knows how to deal with your needs best.
The ultimate decider for the audio equipment insurance happens to be the premium amount. If it solves the purpose and fits you budget, then you should opt for the insurance solution.

Friday, 14 June 2019

Planning to start a home studio? Here’s why studio coverage is important

Want to start a studio but, don’t have the necessary funds to rent out a place? You can get started with a home studio. Apart from having a ready space which you don’t need to pay for, the home studio has its own advantages. The investment is less, and the returns are high in case of the home studio. Again, you won’t have to move out of home to complete the jobs, which makes you accessible and more productive.

However, it is important to note that the home studio is not covered under the homeowner’s insurance, which means you will still need to invest in Studio coverage. The reason being, most of the instruments and gears will still cost you if you invest in the home insurance. Here we will take you through all the things you need to get started with a home studio and how best to invest in the insurance.
The first thing you need is a computer. Where else would you store your recordings? The computer will not only help with storage, but also act as the expert to mix your songs and complete your recordings. When you are buying the computer for digital recordings, make sure you carry a music expert. Just make sure you get the RAM details right the first time, so that there is no reinvestment here.
The next thing you need is a digital audio workstation to mix the music you create. There is a sequencer at the core of the DAW. A good one allows you to create record, edit and mix the right type of music. They are software based, and it is powerful. So, you will need to work on the specifications and make sure it matches the needs of a home studio. For the home studio, the DAW brands that work best include Sonar, Audition, Pro Tool, Cubase, Live etc.
You need to convert analogy music into digital sounds. This is why you need the audio interface. You need an interface that works with the DAW you have chosen. You will need the right cables and fixes to make sure the connection is perfect. Few brands that you can select from include: Focus rite Scarlett 2i2, Universal Audio Apollo Twin, Mackie Onyx Blackjack, M-Audio M-Track plus II, Persons Audio Box and Apogee ONE.
Mics are integral to the music studios. The choice of mics is important. You need to work on choosing the mics as soon as you start working on creating the studio. Make sure your mics sync with the music equipment. You will need to hear what you are recording, hence the headphones. Make sure you get good quality headphones that help you mix the music well.
Apart from these essentials, you ought to invest in studio coverage, which can help manage and maintain the studio costs. You won’t have to pull out money from your pockets in case you have a copyright issue or a robbery that just happened at the studio. As the instruments are not covered in the homeowner’s insurance, make sure you search for studio coverage that gets everything covered. Choose a coverage that does not require you to pay a very high premium.

Monday, 10 June 2019

Top Tips that Help Choose Violin Strings

The violin as an instrument is complete only when you have a fine set of strings and bow attached to it. You should ideally invest in a good pair of strings, and make sure you tune it properly if you want it to last long. However, choosing a good pair of strings can be quite a difficult affair, considering there are quite a few things that you really don’t know about them. This article will act as a guide towards showing you the best ways to choose the violin strings and buying them as well as maintaining them.
For the starters, you ought to have a good idea on the importance of strings before choosing one for your violin.
The length of the violin strings is important as they help determine the frequency of sound for you. This in turn helps understand the pitch, and how far it will affect the music you are creating. The shorter the string, the higher the pitch it produces, which impacts the sounds you, will create. Similarly, the width of the strings also plays an important role in judging the vibrations that the instrument will produce. For instance, the lack of mass in the instrument leads to slower vibrations produced by the instrument. Finally, you should always invest in strings that are tight so that you get a higher pitch.
Maintaining and tuning the strings
When it is all about the strings, you ought to ensure that you can offer a long life to these strings. For this purpose, you ought to invest time and efforts into tuning and replacing the strings as and when necessary. Here are a few tips curated just for you.
  • You will first need to study how the strings are wound around the peg. When you turn the peg away from you, then you are tightening the string perfectly. When you move the strings are moving towards you, the strings tend to loosen up.
  • When there is friction of wood on wood, the pegs are tapered and they are kept in a single place. If you want to tighten it in a better way, then you ought to push and turn it in simultaneously.
  • If you are purchasing a violin that has steel strings, you ought to get fine tuners along with it. The fine tuners will be present along the tail piece of the instrument, where the strings are attached. If you turn this tuner clockwise, you tend to tighten it along the instrument and place it in a better position.
  • In case you need to tune the pitch of the instrument, you should use the peg. It helps adjust the pitch with the fine tuner.
  • The type and brand of the material used to build the string determines whether or not it will wear out, and how soon it will happen. The strings made of gut are indeed good from music point of view but, they lack the strength that comes with the steel strings. If you want something that lasts longer, than you should invest in steel strings.
  • When you play an instrument too often, then there is mild wear and tear that you can experience. That’s the case with string instruments especially violin. You need to get a Violin insurance just to make sure your instrument’s tear is taken care of without investing too much money into it.
You don’t want to end up spending a lot of amount into buying and managing the strings. If you invest in violin insurance, you will be able to take care of the instrument without really investing money into it.