Wednesday, 28 July 2021

Why Do You Need Special Insurance Coverage if You Install Audio Equipment?

Do you need a specialized insurance plan if you install single or multiple units of audio equipment? It is indeed a crucial question that most people are concerned about. Whether you install an aftermarket music system in your car or brand-new audio equipment in the music recording studio, odds are, neither your car nor your home insurance will cover those.

Without a dedicated Audio Equipment Insurance plan, perhaps you will almost always be on the hook if your gear or device is damaged, lost, vandalized, or stolen.

Therefore, we have rounded up everything that you need to know about the importance of having a separate insurance plan for your audio equipment.

A decent recording and audio equipment protection plan safeguard you against many unwanted situations, including accidental damage, loss, theft, and many other scenarios. So, whether you own a home recording studio or a standalone facility, a reliable insurance provider has your back covered.

The best part - it happens to include all musical instruments and audio equipment, such as musical gears, computers, mixing desk, speakers, mics, and other audio interface. 

Hang on! This is not all. A comprehensive insurance plan for audio equipment also covers the accessories, like cables, software, sheet music, headphones, stands, etc.

An Audio Equipment Insurance from a trustworthy insurance provider is well-designed to allow you to play with your creativity without interruption.

Below is the list of coverage options that you are likely to enjoy with a dedicated insurance plan. After going through them, hopefully, you would have the answer to your questions, "do you actually need a specialized insurance plan for your audio equipment?"

Uninterrupted professional use

A dedicated insurance plan will ensure that you are financially covered, regardless of your professional standing. So, whether you are a top-notch professional, a beginner, a touring artist, or a band member, it covers you. Remember, your home insurance or renter's insurance policy are least likely to come to your rescue. So, it is better to be prepared for the worst.

Rental or replacement instrument cover

There are scenarios when you have to rent a musical instrument or audio equipment because of many unavoidable reasons, such as left, loss, or damage to your gear. You cannot be without a musical instrument either. A rental or replacement instrument cover ensures that you have something to play until you get your piece of equipment repaired or get a new one. No other insurance plan can help you with the same.

Cover against accidental damage, fire, and theft

Are you very careful about your instruments and the entire paraphernalia? Even if you leave no room for carelessness to doom your musical instruments, accidents can happen. What if someone steals a piece of valuable audio equipment from your studio or vanity van? What if someone torches your home studio, destroying all the belongings? Without insurance, you are most likely to hit a rough patch. However, having decent coverage will save the day for sure.

Cover against transportation damage

What if you have booked your audio equipment with a transportation company for your upcoming gig, and you never got your gear back in its original form (as booked)? What if the transportation service provider accidentally broke or misplaced it on the way? Without insurance coverage, you cannot charge the service provider for the loss, nor can you ask for compensation. So, it would again be an out-of-pocket spend and a really expensive one. Having dedicated insurance coverage ensures you are covered.

These are some of the crucial coverage options you can get with a dedicated audio equipment protection plan. There are many more benefits waiting for you. Now that you have learned about the extent of coverage you can enjoy, ask for free price quotes now!

Sunday, 18 July 2021

How to Protect Your Musical Gear with Clarion Insurance Company?

Insurance policies are somewhat the most overlooked aspect of most people's financial planning. However, these help in unexpected ways at unexpected times. Therefore, you should have all your insurance plan copies in place before you even need them. People buy insurance plans for their homes, health, vehicles, and some of their most valuable possessions. Probably, you too have all these documents handy. Right?

Do you have sufficient insurance coverage for musical instruments?

As you are here on a page that talks about Music Gear Insurance, we can assume that you are a musician or a musical instrument owner, or in a way related to music. However, somehow, musical instruments insurance was off your financial planning priorities due to various reasons so far. And, now you want to explore your options. If it is correct, then you are on the right track. Keep reading to know more about instrument-specific insurance plans and how these protect your musical gears.

It covers direct physical damage or loss to the covered gears!

Dedicated insurance designed for musical instruments and related accessories and equipment is likely to compensate for direct physical loss or damage to the covered property in the event of any covered cause of damage or loss. It may also cover other people's musical instruments and related accessories which are under your care.

It covers borrowed gears too!

If you have borrowed musical instruments (the types that are already covered under your insurance plan) during the policy term, and if something happens to it, your instrument provider is likely to cover it too. This type of all-inclusive coverage is hard to find with any home or renter insurance plan.

It offers an inflation guard!

If you happen to protect a manufactured musical instrument with an insurance provider and if the age of the instrument is less than 10-years at the time of purchase, your insurance provider is likely to compensate for the cost of its replacement. This cover is irrespective of the insurance limit. However, not all insurance companies operate alike. Therefore, make sure to confirm this before buying an insurance plan.

It covers you worldwide!

A typical home insurance plan, no matter how much you have invested in fetching it, is least likely to cover your instruments in the event of loss or damage if something happens to it outside the boundaries of your home (that is the covered property). However, if you buy an instrument-specific insurance plan, you are likely to enjoy the benefits of worldwide cover. This option will protect you even if it is far beyond the borders of your native place. So, no matter where in the world you are, if something unwanted happens to your gears, you can rest assured that your insurance provider is protecting you.

It covers you against public liabilities!

As far as the profession of a musician is concerned, it includes a lot of going out, participating in various musical events, and, at times, globetrotting with the band. What if you get to injure someone or damage someone's property involving your musical instruments? What if the third-party files a compensation claim or lawsuit against you? Such incidents are very much possible and can cost you heavens. However, if you have Music Gear Insurance, you are safe from the financial hassles associated with such cases of public liability.

Final words

These are the different ways a comprehensive musical instrument protection plan protects your musical gears. So, if you have not purchased an insurance plan yet, do not delay and get yourself covered. Remember, this investment can save you from huge financial ordeals and provide you with peace of mind.

Thursday, 15 July 2021

Violin Insurance - The Ultimate Protection for Your String Instruments

Do you own a violin or any other string instrument? If yes, then you know them well that musical instruments are sophisticated and need regular care and time to time maintenance to be able to continue playing smoothly.

Apart from regular cleaning and wiping, you also need to change the strings, tune them, and adjust the position of the sound post or bridge. Right? All these protective measures keep your string gear in good shape and continue producing melodies.

It sounds great that you take proper care of your violin. And, therefore, it is also crucial to get comprehensive Violin Insurance from a reliable insurance company.

Although we are less likely to pay much attention to unforeseen situations that may crop up from somewhere out of the blue, they can happen. So, the best and most effective way to protect your musical instruments against irreversible losses or damages is by buying a well-designed music instrument insurance plan.

If you have questions confusing you, like where to find a suitable insurance plan for your violin, does investing in an instrument-specific protection policy make sense? You are not the only one. Most musical instrument owners have these questions in their minds. Keep reading to clear all your doubts.

Understanding your options

Although a majority of home or renter insurance plans are likely to cover the cost of musical instruments in the event of theft or fire, you should ensure adding it to your policy. Make sure to click photographs and keep the sales receipt handy. It will help you file a compensation claim on time (if needed). However, with most home or renter insurance policies, there are certain limitations. It includes:

●    First of all, you are least likely to get cover for accidental loss or damage to your gear.
●    Secondly, such policies do not pay for replacement instruments in most cases.
●    Thirdly, these will not cover the events of public liability.

Therefore, whether you are a pro or an amateur violin player, make sure to click on the safest best, i.e., buying Violin Insurance for your gear. With specialist musical instrument insurance policies, you have got a range of protective covers to choose from.

What are the benefits of getting a dedicated instrument cover?

Unlike your home or renter insurance plan, buying a standalone policy for your violin from an experienced dealer has its share of advantages. If you are not aware of the same, go through the pointers given below:

●    A dedicated insurance plan covers accidental damage or loss.
●    It covers earthquakes, floods, and water-related damages.
●    It also includes the risks of professional usage. It comprises mishaps that usually happen on the go or while performing.
●    It also provides you with guaranteed replacement costs - the value at which you cover your gear is the amount you happen to collect in case of a claim.
●    It also covers the cost of replacement instruments so that you never miss a chance to perform.
●    It also protects you against public liabilities.
●    The best part - it also covers accessories that your home insurance plan is not likely to cover.

How will you find a reliable insurance company in your state?

Finding a reliable and customer-friendly insurance company is not at all taxing if you know the proper steps to do that. Firstly, you should rummage around the internet to find some suitable options. Once you have the list of prospective candidates, you should check their websites one by one.

Make sure to choose an insurance company that is licensed, has all the relevant credentials and memberships with noted music associations. An insurer will all these crucial documents should be reliable and worth’s the salt.

Thursday, 8 July 2021

Dedicated Insurance for Music Studio in New York

Eons come and go. Generations change, people change, musical genres get longer, people’s tastes for music also change. Things change. It is inevitable. However, one thing that never changes is - the soul of music. So, no matter whether you play pop, hip hop, punk, funk, country, rock, or metal, music is that adhesive that keeps every corner of the world together.

Do the first thing first!

There are many music studios in New York that have been producing good music and supporting aspiring musicians. And, if you want to open your music studio, you need to do the first thing first. Yes, it is getting all the documentation right and following the pre-designed procedure followed in your state.

Dedicated insurance makes sense!

And, do not forget about buying a dedicated insurance plan for your music recording studio, even if it is in the basement or backyard of your home. Always remember, your home insurance is least likely to cover your recording studio, even if it is right at the boundaries of your home.

The reason - you use that portion of your home for professional purposes. So, if an accident happens involving your recording studio and you do not have a dedicated cover for it, your home insurance will be of no use. Sad, but true. Therefore, if you are willing to have a recording studio of your own, get in touch with a reputed insurance house and get your copy ready.

Music studio insurance: What type of insurance you may need?

As far as the types of insurance cover a music recording owner should have, you can choose from a range of useful and practical options. It includes the following:

General or public liability cover: This cover protects in case you (involving your musical instruments and studio) happen to injure someone or damage their property. In such situations, the third party may file a compensation claim for reimbursing them for medical bills. The party can also file a lawsuit in your name (business’s name). And, both scenarios can get you into a financial crisis. And, it goes without saying that your home insurance will not cover such cases. Therefore, the owners of music studios in New York should get a dedicated cover on a priority basis.

Property and business cover: All business owners should make sure to protect their property and business from all possible issues that may crop up anytime and from anywhere. A standalone insurance plan for your music recording studio is the one for you. It ensures that both your recording studio and its belongings are safe and secure financially. This all-encompassing cover will protect you from all possible risks that your profession and life can throw at you.

What do you mean by the all-risks coverage? It exactly means what it sounds like. A dedicated insurance plan for your music recording studio will safeguard you and your business from all possible risks arising due to elements of nature, such as flood, rain, thunderstorm, earthquake, and other problems, like fire, theft, and robbery.

Loss of income cover: Some unfortunate incidents lead you to the door of loss of income. What if you have to close the door of your studio following an accident? What if it is the only source of your livelihood? You are less likely to expect what a dedicated insurance plan can do for you. It will cover you against loss of income until you are back to work or as decided with your insurance provider.

Hopefully, the information given in this piece of content will help you understand the importance of comprehensive insurance coverage for your music recording studio.