Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Specialized Insurance for Musical Instruments vs. Homeowner’s Insurance

Musical instruments are not just sound-producing equipment. There are finely crafted pieces of art and can cost a fortune to the buyer. Besides the cost, musical instruments mean the world for musicians, professional or amateur, that does not matter. These gears are crucial to the music shop owners and music teachers as well. To some, its passion, while to some, it's a source of livelihood. In short, it's a common thread that connects the people who are associated with music in a way or the other.

So, just like you insure your cars, jewelry, and other valuable possessions, insurance for musical instruments should also be there in your priority to-do list. Musical instrument insurance is the best thing you can do to your gears, apart from cleaning and maintaining them regularly.

Musical instrument insurance - the best gift to your musical gears!

By getting the right insurance cover for your musical paraphernalia or a single instrument can protect you financially if your gear goes missing, stolen, or damaged in a catastrophe. Buying standalone musical instrument insurance is indeed an excellent move if it would be a cost-prohibitive step to get a new one or if music earns your livelihood.

Musical instrument insurance means complete protection!

And, to add to your surprise, dedicated insurance policies for musical instruments with a customer-friendly insurance provider usually cover more than just the device you want to cover. It covers the entire thing, right from the case to the sheet music.

Homeowner’s cover might not be enough for your gears!

According to many people, you might not need to buy a separate insurance plan for your musical instruments because you already have your homeowner’s insurance. Is it true? Well, yes, it is true, but with a catch. Although your homeowner’s cover can include your instruments (provided you have mentioned their names in the inventory to be insured), these have a cap for the total damage of the property of your home. It implies, although your musical instruments are covered, those are not protected completely.

Dedicated musical instrument insurance protects you worldwide!

Say, you are a professional musician, and you need to travel across the world for musical gigs and concerts. What if, unfortunately, your musical instrument gets damaged or goes missing, on the go, in another country?

Remember, no matter how much money you have spent on your homeowner’s insurance, it is not going to cover your musical gears if something happens to those outside your home. However, dedicated insurance for musical instruments handles this differently. Yes, with a trustworthy insurance service provider, your musical instruments are protected no matter wherever you go.

Standalone musical instrument insurance for better coverage!

What is the value of your instrument? Many insurance service providers have a maximum or fixed insured amount on a per-instrument-basis. This approach can lead to narrowing your instrument coverage options. However, dedicated musical instrument insurance policies will provide you with multiple options when it comes to valuing the instruments. It will help you get a broader extent of insurance coverage.

Choose a company that will understand your instruments well!

Different insurance service providers specialize in various types of musical instruments. If you own a rare piece of instrument that's highly valued in the market, you should choose a company that will understand your instruments and its value in the market well. The claim adjusters of such companies will understand your musical gears in the best possible way in case of a claim.

Hopefully, now it’s pretty clear to you why it is crucial to get a standalone insurance policy for your musical gears, right? Get in touch with a reputable insurance provider and stay safe.

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