Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Put an End to your Confusions and Get Dedicated Insurance for Musical Instruments

Protect Your Gears and Wallet with the Right Insurance for Musical Instruments

Life Insurance? Checked. Health Insurance? Checked. Homeowners’ Insurance? Checked. Music Instrument Insurance?

Umm, it is absolutely-necessary?

"Yes, I am a musician. But, is specialized musical gear insurance so important? I mean, I've my homeowners’ insurance in place. And I think it will cover my musical instruments too."

Do you think alike? If your answer is 'Yes', it's time for a reality check!

Dear reader, if music makes a significant part of your livelihood, then suitable and specialized Insurance for Musical Instruments is something that’s more than important for you. Just imagine, music being your profession and a source of income, you need to make sure that it’s safe and protected from the unforeseen. If your livelihood is secured, your life, your health, your home and everything else will be protected. Isn’t it?

Get in touch with an experienced insurance provider

Leading and customer-oriented musical instrument insurance service providers understand and acknowledge the special connection between a musician and his or her instruments. It’s because of their first-hand experience and understanding of cases and emotions that they’re able to provide the best possible coverage according to the musician’s needs. And, as we all know that it’s better to take precautions beforehand than looking for a cure later, musical instrument insurance makes a lot of sense, and it’s imperative.

Answer to your confusions

For all those musicians who have some confusions or are not sure about getting dedicated insurance policies for their instruments, here is a list of issues that can come your way (based on the common mishaps integral to the music industry) and restrict you from earning your livelihood -

        Irreparable damage to your instrument due to overexposure to heat and humidity

        Water damage due to flood or a broken faucet or plumbing fault

        Stolen or damaged while in transit

        Being accidentally dropped by you or your team members

        Damage due to house fire or any other natural calamity

Other accident(s) linked with your musical instrument that can break your bank and heart like nothing else is any damage or loss to a third-party due to your instruments. What if someone is injured after a mic stand fell from the stage while you were performing? What if an instrument drops over the head of a visitor to your music instrument store? What if you run a music class and one of your students stumbles upon a cable at your class? See, these things are unforeseen and you can crop up when you least expect. Therefore, don’t you think it’s wise to be prepared?

Does everyone owning musical gear need insurance?

It is one of the most common questions people ask when they are advised to get specialized Insurance for Musical Instruments. Yes, everyone owning a musical instrument(s), especially if they take it outside, play it for livelihood, own a musical instrument store, or conduct music classes, should get a dedicated insurance policy for their instruments.

Some people also ask, “what if it’s my child who plays the guitar and takes music classes?”

Whether you use it or anyone else in your family, proper insurance coverage is vital. What if your child damaged or misplaced his/her violin while getting back from his/her music classes? Remember, dedicated violin insurance can replace the lost gear.

If you are a part of a band or local symphony, it’s wise to cover the musical instruments for protecting them from loss, theft or damage.

So, no matter whether you take part in local musical gigs or you’re a world-famous music sensation, and no matter you have got a class of 2 to 3 students or a number of them, if you have musical instruments, insuring those become imperative.

What’s the ideal extent of coverage (Sum Insured) should you go for?

There is nothing called ideal as such. What suits your specific needs, and of course, your pocket should be the ideal choice for you. And what about the amount of cover? Well, it mainly depends on your needs and the appraised value of your musical instrument. The insurance service provider you choose will make sure to assign an insurance appraiser for you to understand your case, and account for factors like the condition of the gear, age, and quality.

With insurance comes peace of mind!

The best thing with insuring your musical instruments is - with appropriate coverage, your instrument, and wallets, both, are protected against the uncertainties of life. Not only that you don’t have to pay out of pocket if something happens to your gear, but you are also safe from the legalities of public liabilities if someone else is affected due to your instruments.

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